Free Books 4 Documents

These are books we offer for download for researchers and interested parties. You must be registered and logged in to download them. We also make available a large number of research files for free download.
Indochina Year Books 14 Documents

These are the "Yellow series" books. Each book covers one year of the conflict from America's active combat involvement in 1963 until the fall of Saigon in 1975. You must be registered and logged in to purchase and download them.
"Pre-sponses" 3 Documents

These are books that were written in anticipation of conferences that our members attended. They were meant to put the facts in front of attendees in a way that presenters often do not. You must be registered and logged in to purchase and download them.
Previews 1 Document

These are previews that give you a glance at the contents and the introductions of books you may be interested in purchasing.
Reference Books 6 Documents

These are hard-to-find reference materials that researchers will want to have in their libraries. You must be registered and logged in to purchase and download them.